Elixir Of Youth
P reviously, I was spending $89.00 plus shipping on 1.75 ounces of a face lotion that promised results it never delivered. It was a dermatologist recommended face lotion that was supposed to fix my problem skin, but it was making it worse. I broke out the first day after applying it and I had mini acne breakouts after two weeks of use. I remember waking up one morning and freaking out when I saw my high school acne face staring back at me in the mirror. Hello puberty...again! I had almost forgotten what those dreaded giant red bumps looked like, and of course, there is a giant one on the tip of my nose, proudly getting bigger by the minute with every pump of blood from my freaking out heart. The new lotion that was supposed to be my savior, was making my skin oily and then dry, and my smile lines, fine lines, and wrinkles seemed to be getting worse instead of better. However, the real reason I stopped using it, was when I turned it over and read the list of chemicals in it. I had had ...